February 8, 2025


Here are the first version of the CCIE-Lernkarten from Colin Cant in a Anki flashcard file. He spent a lot of time to create this CCIE learncards. Big thanks to Colin for this hard work! When you are interested in the PDF-Version, please contact Colin directly.

In this Anki flashcard version is only the topic Switching Bridge included. We are still working in a full version of the CCIE-Lernkarten for Anki. The Anki version can be used on mobile devices with Android or IOS. I recommend to use a PC or a Tablet.
Anki is a free flashcard program, the PC version can be downloaded at the Anki website http://ankisrs.net/ .

We hope that the CCIE flashcard’s helped you in your CCIE study time.
To support us to generate even more and better flash cards are your donation very welcome.

Download Anki flashcard: CCIE-RS-SwitchingBridge