Here is a list of books that I would recommend to read. My booklist isn’t finished yet.
- Routing TCP/IP, Volume I (CCIE Professional Development)
- Routing TCP/IP, Volume II (CCIE Professional Development
- CCIE Routing and Switching Certification Guide (4th Edition)
- Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook
- CCNP Route 642-902 Official Certification Guide
- CCNP Switch 642-813 Official Certification Guide
- CCNP Tshoot 642-832 Official Certification Guide
Thesebooks are no longer for sale but are available online for free on InformIT:
- CCIE Practical Studies, Volume I
- CCIE Practical Studies, Volume II
- Troubleshooting Remote Access Networks
- Troubleshooting VPNs
To improve my theoretical knowledge I have to read a lot of books. Here is my Amazon wish list with selected books that I want to buy in the next time.