February 8, 2025

Because of our requirements I have changed the Topology-Map, primary the d3.js / json part.
It does work, but I think the implementation in the libmap.php can be better.
It’s not finished yet. I’m open for suggestions and feedbacks.
Additional features like save positions, map zoom, change background and more will be implementend soon.  For more information please visit the NeDi-Forum http://forum.nedi.ch/ .

The code is in the alpha phase.
This is coded for the NeDi version 1.5 .

I didn’t touch the original functions in the libmap.php file.
I copied it and created two new functions with my changes.
When you call the Topolgy->D3jsmap it creates a new json map file called “map3js_$username.json” instaed of “map_$username.json”



please backup the original file first.
like that \hmtl\inc\libmap.php.backup

copy the two files on your nedi HTML folder.

edit nedi.conf and put this line on GUI Settings.
module    Topology   D3jsmap         paint   net


1. Filter:
I haven’t change anything here.

2. Main
In the d3js map I have only changed the D3js code for my expected results.
I have focused on the Output from the Devices and Nodes(nodes without interface).

3. Layout
Metric: you can set the Charge of the forcelayout                 // lal default is 120, 120/4=30
Length: you can change the link distance between devices or nodes    // len default default is 50, -3*50=-150

4. Show
If Name: show the linked interface between the two devices
Device IP: show the device IP expected in nedi

Room: show the room from the snmp string
Rack: show the rack from the snmp string

When you select both Room and Rack then it show the complete snmp string

To better indentifying the devices on the same building or room, they have the same font color.

Mode: show the device contact
Mode: show the device model

Go to print mode and then position your devices to print as PDF… or so.
Default Output with Interface like SVG and PNG output… but you can place your devices vy yourself .


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